How Is Shingles Spread?

stop spread of infection

Symptoms and Causes

Shingles, also called herpes zoster, is a pathological infection that causes one to have painful rashes with blisters on the body. This infection mostly occurs as a stripe of sores that wraps around your torso or face. The disease’s cause a virus known as varicella-zoster. The virus also causes chickenpox.

Its symptoms may include some pain and burning of the affected area on your body, a red rash appearing a few days after the problem, and some blisters that break open. Some shingle-infected people may also get a headache, fever, maybe light-sensitive, and develop fatigue.

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Can Shingles Affect Teenagers?

shingles teenagers

Often shingles is referred to as “adult chickenpox”. Unfortunately, this name can lead to the misconception that shingles only affects adults. The truth is simple. If a child has had chickenpox, they can get shingles at any time.


After the immune system fights off chickenpox it lays dormant in a person’s body. That virus, varicella-zoster, can reactivate as herpes zoster (shingles) through your nervous system. It will then appear on the skin as a painful rash.

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Why do Shingles Hurt?

whent to seek doctor help shingles

What are shingles

Shingles is a type of rash associated with severe, shooting pain. The inflammation generally arises only on one side of the body, instead of appearing on the whole body. People who have had shingles describe the pain as excruciating and numbing. This is because shingles is a combination of a rash with nerve involvement.


Shingles, as a rule of thumb, occur more commonly in populations who have had an episode of chickenpox previously. It’s explainable as the cause of chickenpox and shingles is the same virus known as Varicella Zoster. It is a type of herpes virus, so both chickenpox and shingle are herpetic infections.

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