What Causes The Skin Disease Called Shingles

shingles causes

The virus varicella-zoster causes the skin condition known as shingle infection. The infection mostly affects your torso but can also affect other parts of your body. Shingle infection and chickenpox are almost similar in appearance because they both originate from the varicella-zoster virus.

However, there are some differences between the two. Shingle infections present as a painful rash that progresses into a blister filled with fluid, while chickenpox presents as itchy blisters. The blisters of shingle infections dry out after about a week to form a crust. Furthermore, chickenpox is usually more widespread in the body, unlike shingles which affect just one side of the body.

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Is Shingles A Serious Skin Condition?

The Varicella-Zoster virus is the source of shingles, so Herpes Zoster and Zoster are alternative names for the infection. Varicella-Zoster is also responsible for chickenpox hence the relationship between chickenpox and Zoster. People who have not had chickenpox do not develop Herpes Zoster. Not everyone who has had chickenpox will experience an outbreak of Herpes Zoster.

Lying in Wait

Typically, chickenpox comes under the heading of childhood disease, but it affects adults as well. After someone recovers from chickenpox, the Varicella-Zoster virus hibernates in their body. Decades can pass before the virus awakens and becomes a Herpes Zoster infection. Medical researchers have yet to learn why the virus will resurrect in some but not others. There are known Herpes Zoster risk factors.

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